"Starving Souls" was created by Simon Kentervil in 2007. The band recorded demo “Awake” with first three tracks the same year and March 23, 2008 played the first concert. After some local concerts and several concerts in other cities the first single “Old Man’s Deep” was released in 2009. But shortly after due to discords musicians leaved the project. Spring 2011 the new drummer Pytyrim joined the band just few month before bassist Guide. In 2012 new line-up recorded the second single “Cargo 200” and started composing for a debut longplay. A full-length album “Save Our Souls” was released on December 7, 2016. Starving Souls played over 50 shows over Ukraine and supported such bands as Unearthly, Skinned, Dyscarnate, Rise To Fall, Memorain, Stato Nervoso Precario and others. In 2015 the band was a participant of international music festival UzhGoreRot VII. In 2018 played at Metal Heads' Mission XVI festival in Zatoka, Ukraine. Summer 2019 has started recording of second full-length album.